ua color

The International Union of Youth in Kyiv
Phone number:
+38 044 300 22 10
director.kiev@msmstudy.com – director of the MSM branch in Kyiv
msm.kiev@msmstudy.com – to contact us
Kyiv, Velyka Vasylkivska St, 66, office 326,
Business Center “Troitskiy”
Working hours:
Monday – Friday: from 10:00 till 19:00
Saturday: by appointment
Address: st. Vasily Stus 35/37, office 100
Tel .: +38 (044) 229 22 87
Email: studentway.kiev@gmail.com
Web: www.studentway.org.ua

Agency of educational programs StudentWay
Address: st. Khmelnitskoe highway, 13, office 420-423 (4th floor)
Contact person: Marina Obodyanskaya
Tel .: +38 (0432) 57 04 51
Tel .: +38 067 892 61 85
Email: studentway.vn@gmail.com
Skype: obodyanska
Web: www.studentway.org.ua

Address: Gagarina ave., 115 office 25
Contact person: Elena Golub
Tel .: +38 056 732 40 55
Tel .: +38 (050) 270 88 32
Tel .: +38 097 113 76 29
Email: studentway@yandex.ua
Web: www.studentway.org.ua

Agency of educational programs StudentWay
Address: st. Dzerzhinsky, 98/51
Contact person: Victoria Minenko
Tel .: +38 050 341 04 25
Tel .: +38 097 293 57 94
Tel .: + 38 0522 55 73 22
Email: domkin68@i.ua
Skype: domkin68
Web: www.studentway.org.ua

Agency of educational programs StudentWay
Address: pl. Constitution, 1, under. 1, office 3
Contact person: Elena Kutsenko
Tel .: +38 050 522 48 17
Tel .: +38 067 574 56 83
Tel .: +38 096 361 30 44
Tel .: +38 057 750 90 72
Email: isp.kharkov@gmail.com
Skype: isp.kharkov
Web: www.studentway.org.ua