Top 5 universities in Slovakia 2021
Choosing a higher education institution is an extremely important step in the life of every young person. You should consider the quality of the education provided, the credibility of the educational institution and many other factors. Higher education in Slovakia meets all European and world standards.
Today, studying at universities in Slovakia for foreign students has enormous advantages among other countries of the European Union. Education in universities of this state in the Slovak language is free. It would seem that you have to pay for quality, but not in this country. Admission to universities in Slovakia does not cause special difficulties for applicants, but, of course, in the learning process there are completely different rules and a demanding approach on the part of teachers, otherwise the quality of education in Slovakia would not be assessed so high.
To get a good position with a high salary, having a higher education is a must in any field of activity. Let’s consider the Top 5 Best Universities in Slovakia:
- Zhilin University
- University of Presov
- University named after Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra
- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
- Pavol Josef Safarik University in Kosice

Zhilin University
One of the leading educational and research institutions in the country. The university is located on the Velky Diel campus. It is a broad-profile university and includes the following faculties:
- Faculty of Economics, Transport and Communications;
- Faculty of Civil Engineering;
- mechanical engineering faculty;
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology;
- Faculty of Management and Informatics;
- Faculty of Security Engineering;
- Faculty of Humanities.
Zhilina University cooperates with foreign universities and organizations, which is supported by more than 150 signed bilateral agreements not only within Europe, but also in America, Asia and Africa.
Presov University
The university is included in the list of elite higher educational institutions of the country. It is subdivided into the following faculties:
- Faculty of Natural Sciences;
- Faculty of Central European Studies;
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care;
- Faculty of Education;
- Faculty of Philosophy.
The University of Presov is distinguished by a variety of study programs and extensive links with international institutions.
University named after Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra
The university teaches according to the European system, which guarantees compatibility with the world’s leading universities.
As part of the educational institution, applicants will be able to find:
- Faculty of Natural Sciences;
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Health Care;
- Faculty of Central European Studies;
- Faculty of Philosophy;
- Faculty of Education.
Each faculty provides an opportunity to get three levels of education: bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral studies.
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
The university provides training in continuing education programs and MBA training in cooperation with the university in Vienna.
Consists of the following divisions:
- Faculty of Civil Engineering;
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics;
- Faculty of Chemical and Food Technologies;
- Faculty of Architecture;
- Faculty of Materials Science in Trnava;
- Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies;
- Department of Management.
University graduates are the most demanded and highly paid specialists on the labor market.
Pavol Josef Safarik University in Kosice
This educational institution collaborates very intensively with academic institutions around the world and provides education based on the latest scientific discoveries and methodologies.
Consists of five faculties:
- Faculty of Medicine;
- Faculty of Natural Sciences;
- Faculty of Law;
- Faculty of Philosophy;
- Faculty of Public Administration.