Getting a quality education is the first step towards a successful future. Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that in the hometown there is no appropriate educational institution to get the very required high-quality education, which can be expressed in the absence of a decent education system, an outdated approach to presenting information, or a lack of practical laboratories.
But every problem has a solution, and in this case it will be to choose another country for study, an excellent place for which will be Slovakia. The knowledge gained and a diploma in a Slovak university will open up new perspectives and allow you to move on! After all, in addition, the European diploma will be quoted not only in the European Union, but also on other continents.

If you have already taken a step towards a successful future and are going to study in Slovakia, it is worth knowing what to look for first of all as a beginner student.
1.Make sure to participate in the freshman dedication ceremony. So you can not only get to know the same students as you, but also feel the atmosphere of the beginning of study, get the necessary parting words and a charge of positive emotions by the beginning of the school year.
2.Do not miss the orientation week, which always starts one week before the start of your studies. You will learn a lot of useful information about your university, as well as be able to ask questions that interest you.
3.Each student at the university has a Personal Account, where you can not only adjust your schedule, but also receive important notifications from your university.
4.In your personal account at the university, you can add to your curriculum the subject “Introduction to the specialty”, which is available for freshmen in the 1st and 2nd semesters, so you will receive the most relevant information, learn about your opportunities in period of study, for example – about student exchange programs, you will better navigate your university.
5.Join the groups of your institution on social networks, where very interesting and useful information is often laid out, including about interesting projects or internships for students.
6.Do not forget that the information provided by lecturers in pairs is duplicated in the internal system of the university in electronic form. This way you will definitely not miss anything.
7.Do not miss the opportunity to participate in projects of your university, lead an active student life, so you will establish yourself as an excellent student and have an additional advantage.
8.Be diligent in your studies, as if you have a high score, you will qualify for an increased scholarship for excellent results.
And finally – be friendly and punctual, respect local culture and rules, because then you will feel as comfortable as possible. Taking into account all our recommendations, you are guaranteed success!