Medical education in Slovakia
Training at the medical faculty is always accompanied by large amounts of information, specific material and serious practice. A future doctor is required to have sociability and quickly assimilate information, mistakes in this area are unacceptable.
All of this makes medical faculties quite difficult to enter, especially if we are talking about studying abroad. But there is always a way out of a difficult situation. Affordable medical education can be obtained. For example, in countries such as the Czech Republic or Slovakia. The level of education there is very high; the programs are designed in such a way as to provide the student with the most in-depth knowledge, including practical. Slovakia is a member of the European Union, so a medical education received at one of its universities allows a young specialist to work in almost any European country without any problems. In addition, some universities offer exchange programs, the purpose of which is to obtain a double diploma.
After studying in Slovakia you will be able to continue your studies in the United States or any other country that is a partner of your university. You need to find out about this possibility on an individual basis.

There are a huge number of medical universities in Slovakia. Everyone will be able to find the right faculty and get the desired education.
- Comenius University of Bratislava. The largest higher education institution in Slovakia. It has 2 medical faculties that train specialists in general medical specialties.
- Trnava University. It has a high status and the simplest reception. The following areas are represented here at the Faculty of Medicine: medical care, public health, rehabilitation, social assistance.
- At the University of Konstantin the Philosopher, located in Nitra, you can study in such profiles as psychology, patient care, emergency medical care.
- Slovak Medical University in Bratislava. A narrow-profile institution, in which 4 faculties are available. Future ambulance workers, obstetricians, nurses, radiologists, infectious diseases specialists, dentists, laboratory doctors are trained on them. This university has an exchange program with the United States, Canada and a number of European countries, which gives its students more advantages in the educational process.
- Alexander Dubcek Trenchinsky University. It has the following educational programs at the Faculty of Medicine: physiotherapy, patient care, healthcare, laboratory research.
- Presov University. Trains medical workers in the areas of obstetrics and emergency first aid.
How to get in a university of Slovakia that has a medical faculty? Easy enough. The management of universities meets foreign applicants halfway, providing them with many opportunities to overcome entrance exams. The educational process is free in the Slovak language.
A very interesting student life, full of various events will not leave indifferent those who are considering the opportunity to get an education in Slovakia!