The population of Slovakia is 5.5 million, it would seem, what can you expect from a small country in central Europe? A lot! Slovakia is the place that will remain in the heart of everyone who has ever been there.
The folklore traditions of this lovely country are incredibly rich. All regions, cities and even villages have their own atmosphere, history and characteristics. These “features” are expressed in very creative and sometimes unusual forms, for example: in music and dance, in architecture, in the peculiarities of the language (dialect), in clothing and style in general, in the names of establishments and in many other things.

When planning to move to Slovakia, or simply studying its culture for general educational purposes, you should first of all study the information about the mentality of local residents and customs. So it will be much easier for you to join the life stream of the country, and many rules and reactions will become much clearer.
A more detailed acquaintance with the dialectal peculiarities of the language, as well as folk traditions, can be carried out during visits to folklore festivals and cultural events, which are held in sufficient numbers in Slovakia.
As for the culture, it is very extensive in Slovakia. Therefore, there is no definite algorithm of actions in its study. First of all, start with what is more related to your life and interesting to you, especially if you plan to move after a while, or study material that will overlap with your future activities in Slovakia.
An obligatory, and undoubtedly interesting, point for acquaintance is the traditions for all holidays, including international ones, like Easter or Christmas; what is only Saint Mikulas with features walking around the city and angels giving gifts and “devil’s gifts”. It is also worth trying the national cuisine, and in order to plunge into the local flavor, it is better to do it in the “tavern”.
Learn about the religions practiced by the locals. What languages are spoken (except national). The study of such information is precisely the bridge that must be crossed for understanding and acceptance. It will not be superfluous to find out in advance about such subtleties as the difference in time zones, the currency used, the transport system, medicine and security.
Those who are going for a long-term or permanent residence should visit Slovakia at least once before moving, talk with local residents, and see everything with their own eyes.
In the future, it will be much easier for you in a new place.