How to learn Slovak language?
It is this question that is asked first of all by everyone who wants to get an education at the University of Slovakia. Knowledge of the native language of the state provides many advantages. First of all, free education in almost any educational institution, which significantly reduces student costs. In addition, a more comfortable life in a new place is possible precisely because of the knowledge of the language.
Of course, a significant part of foreign students who come to study in Slovakia are fluent in English, which is considered international. However, it is the native language of the country that will allow you to plunge into the atmosphere; learn local cultural customs and traditions; immerse yourself in everyday life with maximum convenience for yourself.
As a rule, each student is puzzled in advance by the question of where it is possible to learn the Slovak language, and this can be done beforehand before entering, already in Slovakia itself. This will allow you to adapt very quickly at the university and will help you overcome the constraint.

Specialized language courses, the price of which is very affordable. Narrow-profile universities, such as economic, technical or medical, require a much higher level of training from the student due to the availability of special terminology.
In addition, no one has canceled the personal characteristics. Each person assimilates new material in a different way. Someone will need three months to master the basic level, while others will need a longer period.
What is good about the Slovak language is that it belongs to the group of Slavic languages, which means one thing – Russian-speaking youth will hear familiar letter combinations and similar semantic expressions in Slovak speech. It will be much easier for them to overcome the language barrier. In addition, the Slovak language is very similar to Czech, so if you know one, then you can easily learn the second.
And of course, you should communicate as much as possible with native speakers. Young people who come to study in Slovakia should communicate as much as possible with the indigenous population.
Slovaks are a friendly people with whom there are no problems, including linguistic ones.