Every year Slovakia is becoming an increasingly popular destination for emigration and obtaining European higher education, which can be safely confirmed by the following arguments.
The first reason: Free higher education in state universities. Of course, the main reason why applicants choose Slovakia is free higher education of high quality and the opportunity to receive a recognized diploma of the European standard.
In order to study for free, you need to know the language at the B1 level, but since Slovak belongs to a related group of languages to us, it will not be difficult to learn it to the required level on the preparatory program!

Reason number two: Slovakia is a very safe country. We understand that the very fact of moving can cause fear, because you will find yourself in a completely new environment, being away from home. But do not panic, all this will frighten only before moving, and already on the spot you quickly adapt, seeing how friendly and peaceful everything is towards foreigners. Slovakia is a country that will give you a sense of calmness and the opportunity to feel at home.
Reason number three: Slovakia is very beautiful! Walking the cobbled streets of Bratislava is a pleasure! And what a stunning architecture in Slovakia! And nature! It is worth visiting Slovakia once to understand that moving here was the right choice.
Reason number four: Great location. Slovakia is central Europe, the country borders on Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary, which means that going to a neighboring state for the weekend is as easy as shelling pears! From Slovakia, you can also easily get to Germany, and then Italy and France are just a stone’s throw away! All in all, the location is perfect, whatever you look at it.
Reason number five: Slovaks are nice and friendly people! It may seem that this is not the most important factor, but if you are considering moving in the future, the similarity of mentality and the general mood of local residents in relation to foreigners will greatly affect the comfort of your life. That is why it is better to choose the country in which you will feel like a full-fledged member of society